Librarians are used to help people to find the information about their needs, and use them for a personal and professional purpose. The Librarian must have the knowledge of various areas and they must have a source of public information. They must follow the trends of computers, media and trends related to publishing. The Librarian must have to manage the staff, program of direct information and develop public system. The Librarian must be focused on three aspects of work in their fields such as technical services, administrative services and user services. The librarians, who are in the user services, like as in children's librarians and references and help them to find the information about their needs. Their job is analyzing user needs to check what they are searching for and what they acquire; then the librarians provide them the required information.
An instructional role is another part of the job. This defines the librarian to show the user to evaluate and find the information. Such as users navigate the Internet by the librarian's advice and they will find the search for and evaluate information efficiently. In technical services, the librarians work is to acquire; prepare; classify materials, acquisitions and cataloguing so the searcher can get the results easily. Few like to write abstracts and summaries. These types of librarians often not deal with the people directly. In the field of administrative services, the librarians may be part of management and planning of libraries, materials, and equipments, etc. They help people in their ways of providing searches and many more.